UK Spouse Visa Application (Documentation)

Discussion in 'UK Visa and Immigration Help' started by dennie, May 30, 2017.

  1. dennie

    dennie Member

    Hi BF friends,

    Good day everyone!

    I am currently preparing for my UK spouse visa application my husband being the British settled person in the UK. I would like to ask guides / suggestions / comments on how to go about the presentation of the documents.

    We were married for 6 years already and met once only and married right away as soon as we have seen each other personally. We had constant (im meaning its a daily phone conversation) communication for 2-3 years before he got the chance to come visit me here and see me personally which led to our marriage. I was told that this is not a problem but my issue now is how do i present that our relationship is subsisting despite the fact that we met only once. He flew back to UK after his stay here and we have been keeping the communication alive through FB messenger, emails, phone calls, video calls, viber, whatsapp, skype and all sorts there is email classic snail mail :)

    Now how do i present this communication and relationship subsisting? I got all our communications: emails in particular printed (i got in printed our daily conversation) for the meantime. I would be printing out transcript of viber chat and screenshots of calls for all chat apps.

    My problem is this, I have collated the emails already but doing so I noticed I have compiled almost a 5-6 inches conversation proof without other the other documentation requirement.

    Im totally lost with what to do, is this ok or how do i go with this??

    I just wanna make sure this will be just a one time shot application.

    looking forward to your generous replies.

    Thank you!

  2. Timmers

    Timmers Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    You have a long relationship so just send a selection covering the timespan of your relationship, don't give them the ream you have :)

    Pictures, emails and chat logs will be fine.
  3. dennie

    dennie Member

    Hi Timmers! Thank you for the input!

    Should i be presenting one email per month giving them like 72 emails in total?

    Im totally lost with proof of communication.
  4. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    What we did was submit a screenshot of received and sent e mails same for Skype and facebook
  5. Timmers

    Timmers Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    You could play it safe and do that, basically if you send a selection evenly covering the relationship span then you will have no comebacks, I was in my relationship for 7 years before applying for the visa and I just submitted a selection of chat logs covering right up to the visa application.

    You have nothing to worry about, use double sided A4 paper for the chat logs, try and keep the weight down :)
  6. uklove

    uklove Active Member

    We sent a 'taster' from each method of communication.
    For instance, some emails from the month of January but no Skype logs for that month and then vice versa.
    Also we explained in our covering letter how regular our communication was and that the enclosed records were just examples.
  7. dennie

    dennie Member

    Thanks Mattecube for the input. So summary of email sent and received for each year would be sufficient?? Did it work for you??
  8. dennie

    dennie Member

    Hi Timmers! Well actually I tried doing it already but just our emails is a huge file already I mean one whole thick manual already. This is why Im so confused. I just want to prove in this matter that our relationship exist and subsisting until this very time. Im so stressed. :(
  9. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    Visa granted first attempt 20 days
  10. dennie

    dennie Member

    Hi UKLove! Thanks for the input! How thick was the document you presented for communication alone?? I just wanna get a picture / view on how shall I go with this. Im having a hard time to move to the next chapter of the document presentation. :(
  11. dennie

    dennie Member

    Wow!! Im so amazed!! So I guess cover letters must be very good then to support all the chat logs and etc.
  12. bigmac

    bigmac Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    when my --then--fiancee applied for her settlement visa in december 2015.....we hadnt seen each other in person for 2 years--which was of concern to me. we submitted several pages of facebook message screen shots--about a page per month.. she was successful and we are married here in the UK now.

    so how long is it now since you last saw your husband ?

    just a suggestion....if your husband supports you--and sends money regularly--i would be inclined to mention this--with evidence--in your application. it all helps to prove the marriage is genuine and subsisting.

    what do other readers think ?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Timmers

    Timmers Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    I agree, any remittance sent during long periods of being apart would be further evidence that the relationship is subsisting, submitting receipts is the way to go.
  14. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    Agreed we supplied random " world remit " screenshots sensitive information hidden of coarse
  15. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    No cover letters just screenshots of in box, outbox, skype chats and facebook
  16. uklove

    uklove Active Member

    Our supporting documents weighed 3Kgs, that was everything.
    The pile was almost 3 inches thick,
    I agree with Bigmac, details of money sent should be included.
    We made an index which listed each section.

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