General Election - June 8th

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Ethics' started by Maharg, Apr 18, 2017.

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  1. Timmers

    Timmers Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    I don't remember us talking about the electoral system.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. Timmers

    Timmers Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Us Brexiteers are missing nothing, we are victorious, your new mate little Timmy has not got a snow balls chance in hell of reversing the referendum result and that is exactly what he wants to do as that old dithering idiot Vince Cable let slip on an interview with Sky this morning.
  3. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    This is an act, surely?
  4. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    I missed that. In which case, I'm definitely voting Lib Dems. Thanks mate!
  5. Dave_E

    Dave_E Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Don't forget that there is a lot of wealth, power, and influence lined up against Brexit.

    The majority of those who benefit from the EU institutions would take great pleasure in being able to thwart Brexit completely, or at least ensure that we get a crappy deal.

    The biggest danger is complacency, something that is currently being encouraged by the media.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Good news for anti-Brexiters. It seems that Trump has been wooed by Merkel and is to put the EU ahead of the UK as far as trade deals are concerned. However I believe it is entirely possible that the US and EU will simply pick-up where they left off and Merkel will bounce member nations into signing TTIP. This would make the EU vassals of the US corporations - which is part of the Master Plan.

    Gina Miller is a fully signed-up supporter of the Master Plan and although stonkingly rich, has so far managed to raise around a quarter of a million Pounds in her crowd-funded campaign to prevent pro-Brexit candidates from winning seats. Her plan is a bit risky because it could result in legal challenges and multiple investigations by the Police and Election Commission: anti-Brexit candidates will have benefited from Mrs Miller's work and thus have to declare the monetary value in their Election Expenses returns. That said, well-organised tactical voting campaigns can achieve remarkable results and this election is certainly not in the bag for the Tories, despite their apparent 24 point lead in the opinion polls.

    I remain pessimistic and as I remarked earlier this week, I will not be at all surprised to awaken on June 9 to discover that Jeremy Corbyn is the new Prime Minister and the Brexit brief is handed to Diane Abbott who promptly cancels it (after eating a celebratory box of donuts. All by herself).
  7. Timmers

    Timmers Well-Known Member Trusted Member

    Worry not Mark, Mr Fish Finger is coming to our rescue :)

    See the news article below, I particularly like this paragraph from the news story;

    The reason for this happening is highly scientific – Twitter users said they would rather be led by a fish finger than Farron in an informal poll a few months ago.

    Read more:
  8. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    The local school has just called up - they're missing the funny kid.

    The US was always likely to go with the EU because they have more to gain. Maybe Obama saying the UK would go to the back of the queue was a little more factual than you'd care to admit. Remainers who voted on this "threat" or, as I prefer to call it, "reality" will feel a little vindicated and, who knows, maybe even empowered to vote in an anti-Brexit way. I think TTIP is under threat, although Boris Johnson thought TTIP was a fantastic idea.

    He claimed it would make us all richer. In the meantime, to plug the huge budget gaps and the exercise of painting the Forth Bridge (aka removing the deficit), Spreadsheet Phil has a new tax formula to make the bottom line green. The formula is likely to involve tax raises that affect the poorest (VAT rises), and the removal of the triple lock for pensions (OUCH!!!).

    Whilst alienating the silver haired foxes who will feel a threat to their pockets being a little bit more of a nuisance than the Polish family that moved in 4 miles away, 100,000 young people registered to vote in the first three days following Theresa's most recent "you turn if you want to, this lady is for turning".

    However, the poorest in society will feel that their chances of employment are greatly improved by "sending the buggers back" and will, unwittingly, vote for more zero-hour contracts, higher taxes, and an economy built on debt.

    Which, in turn, is causing some people to stop buying junk.

    I'm sure those younger voters are all itching at the chance to vote for greater restrictions on their travel, work, studying and business plans. Remember that the 18-24 age group voted: 71% to remain.

    Electoral Calculus has the chances of a Tory Majority at 79%, and is currently predicting
    Tories 392
    Labour 170
    Liberals 9
    UKIP a big fat ZERO
    Green 1
    SNP 56
    Plaid Cymru 4
    N Ireland 18 seats.

    Unfortunately, the FPTP system favours the largest parties and Theresa May will have a few extra people in her corner.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    Has anyone seen this lady?

    Last seen 4 days ago. Was due to meet the press at Great Yarmouth but chickened out. If anyone sees her, please contact KFC headquarters immediately.

    Attached Files:

    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Be careful what you (anti-Brexiters) wish for; the future isn't as bright as you might think.

    When the historians look back at the second decade of the 21st century, they will conclude that Theresa May was the second worst Prime Minister ever; the worst was the doddering old fool who succeeded her in 2017. Had she played by the book and not sought to employ the Royal Prerogative to trigger Article 50, she wouldn't have been challenged in Court. Twice. And Lost. Twice. And, more importantly, the world would not have heard of Gina Miller. Then to call a General Election one month after the local elections was, to my mind, risky to the point of being recklessly suicidal. Tory supporters will be aghast at the 2015 election pledges that are being omitted. And Kim Jong Un can expect to receive some more of our cash so he can finish-off building his nukes because North Korea is one of the beneficiaries of our 0.7% of GDP Foreign Aid donation.

    The lady known as "Brenda from Bristol" sums-up the mood of the 52% - and maybe some of the 48% - perfectly. GE2017 will be the fifth(?) time electors will be expected to vote in just two years. Mrs May can expect a very low turn-out of the 52%. Now add in the mix the fact that Corbyn is as happy as a pig in sh1t, he's being offered the keys to Number 10 by the Lib-Dems, the SNP and the Greens and he is not being expected to go into coalition with any of them. Added to this, Gina Miller's crowd-funded pressure group will ensure the progressives' victory.

    And the next General Election after that will be in 2022 by which time an addition £500 Billion will be added to the National Debt on top of the borrowing already planned and announced by Labour. As Corbyn is against immigration controls, there'll be no Border checks at any air or sea port and anyone can wander in, plead poverty and Corbyn's generosity will ensure their every comfort. Sharia Courts will spring-up over night and for the second time in a hundred years Jews will be persecuted. The SNP's price for supporting Corbyn will be independence whilst Farron's is that the UK joins the EuroZone and Schengen and abolishes the Monarchy (which Corbyn will be delighted to do) since they want to punish the 52% by removing any and all reasons for insular patriotism. Besides that, the Monarchy costs money that is better spent on EU-approved vanity projects.

    But it won't be a happy land; a nice place to live in. With a far-left government in power, one that embraces terrorists, Britain will be shunned by the US and kicked-out of the Commonwealth. Tory supporters will never forgive those politicians who lied and deceived them so shamelessly and the party will have less support than the Greens. Ukip will see a surge of support and will be the only party that might stand a chance of dethroning Momentum in five years' time, by which time it will probably be too late.

    But hey, this is what Andrew and Bluebird want, right, Brexit to be cancelled. As I said, be careful what you wish for. There maybe consequences. And it all might be in vain anyway: France is about to elect a new President and the two front-runners are a far-right and a far-left Maoist: both want Frexit!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2017
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    Purely hypothetical, the sort of fiction you read in the Tory rags, or from any second rate journalist attempting to influence the result.

    Removal of the monarchy? You're just giving me more reasons to vote Lib Dem.

    Are you scared of what democracy may bring?

    #PROJECTFEAR . Oh dear oh dear, complete tripe.

    Sharia Courts? Schengen, but getting kicked out of trade deals with the US? Eurozone whilst under Sharia Law.

    The sun's got to you. It's Orwell, with zero logic.

    With your permission I'd like to post your fiction on a message board I use in order to convince younger voters just what the older generation's thought process is and to register to vote.

    This could be the election where the youth are organized and vote for their beliefs as opposed to not voting and retaining the status quo. Social Media is proving to be powerful already, and it hasn't even started.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
  13. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    Theresa May lost in court twice because she was behaving in an unconstitutional manner. The fact that our judicial system retains its independence (much to the chagrin of the right wing, and Murdoch) is something to be celebrated and not criticized.

    I really hope that some of the paranoid delusional souls who form the Government regurgitate nonsense like yours because it only serves to highlight how desperate you are to retain "power" and to keep people in their place.

    Sharia Law, getting kicked from the Commonwealth, the abolition of the monarchy? This is 1000 times funnier than the Andre Rieu thing that was posted last week.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    Here you go Markham, take to a darkened room, read, and come out calmer. This election is as cut and dried as they come. The next 5 years will be lovely and 2022 will see Labour desperately trying to win back some of the 90 seats it is likely to lose.

    Here's how Electoral calculus sees Parliament looking with those figures.
  15. Markham

    Markham Guest

    You do realise that, according to a former Labour Treasury Minister, a Corbyn government would mean income tax being doubled, VAT being doubled, Corporation Tax being doubled or quadrupled and Council Tax being doubled; and that's before McDonnell's new tax band is implemented. Raising taxes on the rich might sound like a good idea until you remember than the rich are the wealth creators and will simply move their money (and investments) out of the UK. This is exactly what happened in France when Hollande began raising tax rates and there are more wealthy Parisians living in London than in Paris. It will be the poor that suffer; they always do.
  16. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    The rich are wealth creators alright, but the gap between them and the rest is getting bigger.

    What are people getting into debt for? Many are actually going into debt to keep their families clothed and fed. Our economy is funded by debt (hence the low interest rates).

    In the meantime, Maggie May has already shown, through votes, that she favours lower taxation for the corporations, and she wants to remove the promise of no tax increases from the new Tory Manifesto. The poor will be suitably rewarded with zero hour contracts and we'll have a perception that the UK is near full employment. Smoke, mirrors, and her hand never left her wrist.

    I know the poor always suffer, I grew up in the Thatcher years in one of the poorest areas in the UK, my dad was unemployed for 2 solid years. Most of my friends' dads were in similar situations. These days, it's a zero hour contract.

    It still is one of the poorest areas, despite 18 years of Tory rule followed by 13 years of Labour.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Please don't patronise me.

    You believe opinion polls? Really? Even though they were spectacularly wrong in 2015 and even more wrong in 2016? I no longer trust opinion polls, there's only one poll that counts and that's crosses in boxes on ballot papers.

    The 52% just want the government to stop faffing around and get on with the business of governing and that includes Brexit. Many of us, the Tory Brexiters, will punish May by staying away from the polls on 8th June because we consider this election unnecessary, on the wrong date and simply an excuse to boost her majority. Which of course it is. I haven't decided how I will cast my vote; possibly Plaid will benefit. Or a no-hope independent. The European Parliament's chief negotiator, Guy Verhofstadt, brands May a "power-grabbing political opportunist" and assures her that a bigger majority will not help one her iota to win a better deal. He's right because any deal better than no deal will be vetoed by that Parliament.

    You're anti-Brexit, anti-Monarchy and pro high taxation: you're a Corbynista and you should be voting for Jeremy and not Tim.
  18. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

    Oh, you don't like being patronised? Join the club.

    Opinion Polls are not accurate, of course they are not. But, even if the margin of error was +/- 8% the Tories will be home and dry.

    I'm amazed you are considering voting for Plaid.

    I am anti-Brexit - yes, and I have given you the reasons.
    I am anti-Monarchy - yes.
    I am pro FAIR taxation - so stop trying to label me (as you did in your previous thread by indicating that, by wanting Brexit I also wanted the myriad of other stuff you see in your looking glass).

    I am voting Lib Dems because it is completely tactical. It's a seat that the Lib Dems can win, especially if the younger voters come out to play.
  19. Bluebird71

    Bluebird71 Well-Known Member

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  20. Markham

    Markham Guest

    Fair taxation? What is fair? The far left would say that when a company chief executive takes home, after deductions, exactly the same amount as the cleaner, then you have "fair taxation".

    And I wasn't labelling you at all, merely pointing-out that tactical voting often has unintended consequences.

    Yep and combining that with the 65% of Labour supporters who voted Remain, he should really be the next Prime Minister. Except he won't be.
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