New style affirmation to marry from 1st March 2014

Discussion in 'Relationship Advice' started by Sunnyjim, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Nick Louca

    Nick Louca Member

    I managed to call them back today and they answered after only a few rings. My main reasons for making contact with them was to confirm that I had all my requirements to obtain a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Marry, and to research the marriage laws and requirements of the municipality of Albay, where my fiancee lives and where we plan to get married. The lady I spoke to was able to confirm the requirements I had gathered (affirmation, full and original birth certificate etc.) were sufficient to appease the embassy staff, and that I would not need to get my affirmation legalised or translated, and the embassy will legalise this document when I have my scheduled appointment.

    When I asked about the local marriage laws, the lady said she didn't have this information and could not direct me towards any relevant sources. Instead, she just suggested I asked my fiancee...of course I have asked my fiancee already and she seems pretty confident she knows what is needed after a visit to the church we intend to get married in. I just want to make sure I have all the bases covered.
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  2. Anon220806

    Anon220806 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the UKVI cant really advise on the local marriage laws. My wife found out via a friend of the family who is a Councillor.
  3. Howerd

    Howerd Well-Known Member Trusted Member Lifetime Member

    No, you don't need it translated. English is the language that is used. I think all official documentation in the Philippines is in English.
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  4. Nick Louca

    Nick Louca Member

    Evening all, so the date of my meeting with the British Embassy in Manila to obtain my certificate of legal capacity to marry is looming (August 18th), and I would just like to check with you guys exactly what is required. I have filled out my affirmation, I have obtained a full birth certificate and cenomar just in case they want to see this, gathered proof of my address, written down any phone numbers and addresses of close relatives, I have the consular fee of 4,125 peso, and of course I will be carrying my passport. This is all I need for my appointment right? My fiancée will also be attending so is there anything extra she will need to bring, aside from her birth certificate and cenomar? As she is 21 will she be required to bring an affidavit of parental consent, or is this something that is needed during the process of applying for the marriage licence?

    Once again any help is most definitely appreciated.

    Cheers, Nick
  5. stevepqr

    stevepqr Active Member Trusted Member

    Can't remember exactly what is needed but what you have sounds good apart from one thing - 3 or 4 copies of everything!! I know it's really not needed but I also took every piece of documentation I had with me - just in case! Photocopies of everything is the order of the day also when you go for the marriage licence, my Mother in Law helped with this we sat in a tiny steaming office for what felt like hours with people squeezing in and out all the time while the (very nice) registrar typed (yes, on an actual typewriter!!) up our licence, every now and again, Mother in Law got up and went and made copies of stuff. The very nice Registrar went and found me a fan at some point which was nice but by that point I felt like I had actually melted... You will also need cash at the registrars office for photocopies and for the fee there which was 300pp I think - might be wrong there, the only thing I remember clearly from that bit was the rather stern looking cashier giving me very disapproving looks while I signed with a thumbprint (!) and then out of the blue asking me straight out if I knew any nice english men I could introduce her too!

    If I remember anything else I'll let you know - remember to get all your documents together in one folder as they will take any bags off you at the embassy entrance.

    Does anyone remember there being very large dogs there too or did I imagine that bit?
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  6. Nick Louca

    Nick Louca Member

    Thanks stevepqr once again for your assistance. Yeah I had copied everything twice but then my fiancee luckily knew that we actually needed 4 of everything so I am in the process of photocopying things now. I appreciate your insight on what to expect on the day of my appointment. Ha I can just picture your anecdote regarding the stern Filipina now, like something from a comedy sketch! Cheers mate.
  7. Nick Louca

    Nick Louca Member

    Hi again, can I just ask what questions you remember the embassy staff asking you? Is it just things like why do you want to get married, what does marriage mean to you, what makes a good parent etc.? My fiancée is a little nervous about this and I'm trying to put her mind at ease.
    Thanks, Nick
  8. Dachie

    Dachie Member

    So is it true that the replacement of cni is the affidavit/affirmation? I mean the britiah embassy in manila will accept that documents?
  9. stevepqr

    stevepqr Active Member Trusted Member

    The British Embassy in Manila accepted my affidavit without question, the registrar in the provincial town hall wanted both but that was two years ago - maybe they are up to date now!
  10. Dachie

    Dachie Member is it ok that no need to get an uk cni my instead of cni he will just have an affirmation or affidavit it just only 1 day? Coz we are from cebu and we will just go there for stamp that affirmation.
  11. stevepqr

    stevepqr Active Member Trusted Member

    It should be ok yes, maybe someone who married more recently will confirm that here? For me the stamping of the affidavit took just under an hour, make sure you have 3 or 4 copies of the required documents and you will need exact cash only for the fee.
  12. Dachie

    Dachie Member

    Ahh so you mean its just ok to bring just an affirmation then to the british embassy in manila..
  13. Dachie

    Dachie Member

    Ahh ok...i thought it will wait for 10 days to get it...thats much better then to have that affirmation than the cni..

  14. Dachie

    Dachie Member

    So if in thats case much better the affirmation then than the cni...coz cni you must to wait 21 days than the affirmation it straight forward...affirmation is already the legal capacity to marry...
  15. stevepqr

    stevepqr Active Member Trusted Member

    You get the affirmation stamped immediately but you still have to wait 10 days before the day of the wedding.
  16. Dachie

    Dachie Member

    Yeah..just like the girl i talk one time she told me to red ribbon the documents, isnit true?
  17. Dachie

    Dachie Member

    Ah after i get the affirmation its ok to comeback home in our place in cebu then, right? So that we apply for the marriage license and thats the time we wait for 10 days, right?
  18. Dachie

    Dachie Member

    Do we need to red ribbon the papers or not?

    By the way where did you get married?
  19. Dachie

    Dachie Member

    By the way what are the requirements needed in embasy to have that legal capacuty.
  20. graham59

    graham59 Banned

    All the information you need is on the British Embassy (Manila) website... as is the downloadable online Affirmation form the British Citizen needs to complete, before making an appointment there.

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