We applied for our Marriage License on Wed In Talisay and it will be issued on the 31st We arrived at City Hall around 2pm and were eventually directed to an office on the third floor We showed the nice lady our papers which were 1. my full UK birth certificates 2. my passport 3. my C.N.I. from the Brit Consul here in Cebu 4. my cenomar from the N.S.O. 5. my decree asbsolute 6. our certificate of Marriage Seminar 7. her N.S.O. birth certificate 8. her Barangay clearance 9. her Cedula community tax certificate 10 her postal I.D. 11.her cenomar 12. her parents attended to sign the advise form for under 25,s 13. her parents I.D. All of these origionals then had to be photo copied 3 times and collated in 3 piles plus they wanted the stamped embassy copy of my C.N.I. You could save a bit of time if you bring the copies with you as the on site photocopier was working flat out with a queue cost 80 piso for 46 total copies The nice lady , who was dealing single handed with about 10 other couples then handed us 1 application form me to fill the left side Jhean the right there was a template on the wall Errors are tipexed out and when she is satisfied all is correct she gave us two more to be filled out identicaly It took about 2.5 hours and was fairly fun or perhaps thats how I decided to see it
I remember we applied for ours in Cebu City, the list of documents is vaguely familiar, but the photocopies requirements are a puzzle to me, unless the rules have changed since we got married. As I was wearing shorts and sandals I wasn't allowed in the Capitol building, so we conducted the business on the bonnet of a greenish toyota 4x4...
I have always made sure that I wear appropriate attire for any visit to a Philippine public office, makes a huge difference to how you are treated if you show respect for their institutions. I did once make the mistake of butting in on a conversation between Ana and an official and I was given a right dressing down :shock: oops never again.
I think thats eased off now the boi in mandaue dont insist and I was wearing shorts for the liscence and seminar to hot normaly for long trousers
Attention To every one the guy who lives next door is a yank and he has just noticed his Wedding Certificate had a misspelling of his wifes first name as does the NSO version and it will take 3-6 months to rectify this be vigilant ?The contract was right but they didnt notice on the day the mispelling He also said when you get married to be sure to ask for a rush filing to NSO or it will take up to six months to get the NSO version which you will need for visa apps etc
baptised i been told that its best i get baptized before i go over a notary told me this is it true ?
You will still have to state your religion on the paperwork but it is not an issue, I know from the official who we spoke with last week that mixed marriages are the norm in civil marriages (Catholic and Baptist or whatever).
Get a Certificate of No Impediment from the UK registrar and the UK embassy here will provide you with a CENOMAR which is basically the Philippine version. It is just a certificate to say you are single and free to marry. edit: I state here as I am currently in the Philippines planning a wedding
You're welcome Remember to book an appointment with the UK embassy a good 2 weeks before you go! Though I would recommend 3 weeks to be safe on getting a good appointment. Take your mahal with you as well with her CENOMAR and other papers. You book it via email - see this link for more info
Its a philipine certifcate of no marriage id been in the fils for 4 months and they requested it no prob as we did jeans at the same time
I applied our MC in NSO Q.C. It took me 3 hrs. To reach the cashier because the line is too long. And before you reach the end you'll be soaking wet cause of the hot weather. Lesson learned just apply through online. They have the NSO hotline just fill out the info then you can order the MC and BC. It will take less than 1 week. You will receive it to the address that you gave them.