The government changed the rules last year on carrying unused leave into the following year, people who are unable to take leave because of Covid for example health care staff who were unable to take leave because they had to work would be allowed to carry more than the normal amount allowed into the following holiday year, this rule actually applies for 2 years and will not wash out the system until 2023-24. Your wife should be arguing for her unused leave to be carried forwards. I'm carrying 19 days at the end of March and I'm not even a case for which this rule was intended. Older people living in shared space are going to get infected even after vaccination, keep us informed about hospitalisations, also has your wife been vaccinated yet I can't remember if you said or not?
Had the jab earlier, the guy giving it said the clinic has 820 booked in today, roughly 12% of people don't show up on any given day.
Yes, had the Vauxhall mate, painless, just finished my daily 17 kilometer walk, I feel same as usual to he honest.
I can't believe not one person wearing a face shield. No wonder the UK is fooked. We in the PH have to wear a face shield going into any stores or buildings and hardly any new cases in Dumaguete.
Everyone had masks on in the clinic Jim, fresh ones were provided at the door, it's unusual to see full-face shields when out and about.
Cretins, they are sitting on a stockpile of over 7 million doses They seem to forget that the UK exports nearly, if not, all the precursors and lipids, to the EU, desperately needed by the Pfizer labs.. Tit for tat may just come about
Older people living in shared space are going to get infected even after vaccination, keep us informed about hospitalisations, also has your wife been vaccinated yet I can't remember if you said or not? Yes my wife has had the first shot of Vaccine and all of the residents have had there 1st dose, I think it was mid January when the innoculations were done, not all staff wanted vacinating and needless to say one of those now has Covid. Thats an interesting point about annual leave i didnt realise that it could be carried over due to Covid, thanks.
This is the relevant rule brought in a year ago. Rules on carrying over annual leave to be relaxed to support key industries during COVID-19 - GOV.UK (
In all honesty the face shields used in hospitals offer very little real protection, just think about the dynamics of air movement around the shield. If you are wearing one in a shop and you are moving then around the bottom you have vortices of air that that are shedding at the edges, those vortices will cause local creeping of gases in tiny vortices up the inside of face shield, the type of airflow will be in turbulent flow and basically the air behind the mask will be all over the place and mixing with the surroundings. The main value of face shields is for the wearer when in close proximity to someone who is coughing it's a physical barrier to large droplets, large is a relative term here, these kind of shields will not protect against aerosolised particles. I just found this which is a brilliant idea for flying ( it plugs into the air vent above your seat and the air supply through those vents is filtered to a very high degree already, nothing is 100% safe but this is a novel idea, I like it. They have a great graphic on this page Laminar Flow ( which illustrates exactly what I am trying to describe above, the left hand examples are what it is like when you are wearing hospital style face shields, the right hand is what they are claiming for their product when plugged in on a flight. One thing they have not considered is that the smarty-pants that is wearing one of these who is already infected is smoothly blowing virus particles out in laminar flow fashion for everyone else to breath in on the plane who is unlucky enough to not have had the foresight or cash to buy one these I do think that something like this should come as standard on planes now although meal times in long haul would be a nightmare Next there will be attachments for water tubes to keep people hydrated on a 13 hour flight
This is what I wear in shops, at the moment I only go to Lidl at 9:30pm at night when they have about 4 customers. When leaving the flat to go to the car or to take rubbish down to the bins I wear my disposable masks and goggles like I posted on the other thread recently. The JSP is good for nearly a month, the filters are P3 level and have a checking mechanism where you compress the sides and breath in, that lets you know how good the seal is, you replace the white filter units every month.
There are some good masks about though. The last one is a Filipino design.
Perspective That JSP including the filter blocks cost me £16. The TV is a 43" and behind it is a 36" conventional 32" Cathode Ray tube TV which the ornaments and cards are sitting on, it is so heavy that it will only be moved when I finally leave this flat, it still sort of works.