Today, the 25th May is the date on which the GDPR comes into force, what a pain in the ass. Most sites, apart from glorious British Filipino have insisted that I agree to them holding my personal details, even in one case requiring me to download, sign, scan, and e-mail back an authorisation form. I subscribed to such sites as the Erdinger German brewery for the pictures of their glorious Hefeweizen beer, I cannot understand German, "Newsletter Abonneiren" sounds more like "Abandon Newsletter" rather than its true meaning "Subscribe to Newsletter", I almost lost my subscription to beer porn pictures. Then there was the website that refused to allow me to update my profile as my e-mail address was already used. Correct, it is used by me and I had just signed in with it. I gave up on that site. What a pain in the ass.
I have a Hotmail account I've used since 2001, and I've had a deluge of these GDPR notifications from companies I've long forgotten about, but probably had dealings with them many years ago. Almost like your past coming back to haunt you.
Congratulations Ghostery, you bunch of plebs. You sent an email reminding us all about GDPR, but with 200 email addresses visible in the To: field. A spammers wet dream.
Yes me also @ walesrob . Ive received so many e mails this week . Some companies I recognise and some I don't . I assume some are from "business partners " or "sister compnies who have had my details passed on to them . I'm hoping this will help cut down the dozens of emails that I receive each week .
It is a far bigger pain in the ass for our American friends who have no such system for restricting abuses of privacy. Anything that could reduce the spread of personal details is a step in the right direction in my book!
One of the many I received was “Hi Paul, we know you have received lots of GDPR notifications so we though we would join in”
I don't see how this will reduce spam at all. Those who are forced to comply with this new EU regulation will (should) have had opt-out options anyway, they have been inconvenienced greatly. The real spammers ignore such legislation.
I just got a text from my ex! Opened it thinking I'd find her begging for me back. Instead she just asked if it was OK to keep my number on file past May 25th!
Beware of some sites that ask you to keep in touch, they may not be as kosher as they purport to be. I had a couple of spammers/scammers trying it on but a quick look at the email addy sorts it out.