My wife was due to fly back to UK today..cathay dragon/cathay pacific. Was being the operative word. After several emails with new times..its now a 12 hour delay and singapore airlines. Arrives 5.55 am friday.
I used to go to Philippines a lot when my now wife still lived there. The only time I had a problem with a flight was when I used Dragon.
How did you buy the ticket for the airline? If it was through a UK credit card, then you may have some recourse with the airline for compensation
Shes in a hotel now. Yet another change to departure time. Maybe its fall out from the gatwick problems. Cat pac fly out from there.
Im on the ferry from isle of Wight now..booked on the 22.00 back tonight. Guess ill have to buy a single tomorrow to get back. If i can get on a ferry. ..mostly fully booked.
Going on information on Cathay's web site, it seems that your wife was due to fly from Manila on DragonAir's KA5912 (CX 912) which should have departed at 8.20 this morning. That flight has been delayed and is now scheduled to depart at 3.11pm. Assuming the plane departs on time, she is due in Hong Kong at 5.36pm and will have missed three flights to Heathrow - any of which she could have taken but for the delay - there is one remaining flight (CX 251) which is timetabled to arrive at 5.55am tomorrow but may arrive anything up to an hour earlier.
There's only one flight a day between Hong Kong and Gatwick and the air traffic control problems yesterday didn't affect yesterday's or today's arrival (or tonight's departure). The problem is a broken plane in Manila - which may need to go to Clark to be fixed.
Yes..5.55.arrival. i am staying at my sons place in new forest and will drive up early in the morning. Thanks for tip about early arrival
Mrs Mac's new flight, CX 251, is estimated to arrive Heathrow at 5.00am. I suggest you get an update from this Cathay Pacific web page once the flight is air borne.
How do you get a broken plane from NAIA to Clark I'd love to see them try dragging one up NLEX Obviously they will have to fly it there but I guess depending on the problem whoever does that will be taking a risk as will people under the flight path.
There are new rules on flight delay/cancellation compensation, I can't find links but I think for a delay of this length you should be well compensated.
Ah it looks like EC261 may not apply, although it might as the final destination is in Europe (UK) and the passenger is seriously delayed. I take it Cathay did the rebooking on Singapore airlines? You didn't have to do that for her yourself?
I don't think EC261 does apply since the affected flight neither originates nor terminates in the EU - it being the regional flight between Manila and Hong Kong. Whether or not Cathay compensates Mrs Mac in some way is up to their generosity: a free upgrade to Business would be a reasonable penance. Mrs Mac is still flying CX but on a much later flight.
Im confused the eticket issued this morning Im really confused now. Cat pac izsued an eticket this morning showing singapore airlines changing at changi..arriving heathrow T2 at is it the same flight?
Me too, Malcolm, me too! Given the estimated time of departure of the sickly DragonAir, CX 251 is the only remaining flight that she could take. But if Mrs Mac has been issued with an e-ticket on Singapore Airlines via Changi, then she will be on that flight and you will meet her at T2 before the sparrows have tbeir morning cough. For my money, Singapore is much nicer than Cathay - better service, nicer food and more comfortable seats - and being a night flight, she'll be well-rested when you collect her.
Cat pac e ticket details.. SQ0921 manila..sing dep 18.30 SQ0322 sing..hrow arrive 05.55 fri am Since then she now has a paper ticket SG919 man..sing departing 03.40 pm.
But wouldn't the original flight I'm guessing to HKG being late cause her to miss the second flight to the UK which does terminate in the EU, the rules apply to flights from and to the EU (some flights) so I reckon there might still be a chance of compensation as the original HKG to the UK flight was missed due to their problem with the first flight.