I think it's tosh or a media frenzy to say Manchester or London are living in fear. Was in Manchester a few weeks ago no fear factor there. Great city and happy faces
Explain how these are manipulated. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents_in_Great_Britain You really are avoiding the points being raised.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents_in_Great_Britain Tell me why these figures are wrong or how they are manipulated.
That's probably because of the troubles in Northern Ireland, they you/didn't take in account of the IRA. Do you not remember the Arndale shopping centre Manchester and all the killings in NI. I do I was there, yes I'm a veteran. we lost some good soldiers for what. Just listen and watch..... Operation Banner - The Forgotten War Tribute - YouTube
My very first post was tongue in cheek (post 59) but the usual suspects jumped on the bandwagon namely the remainders. So gullible you are my last post on this crap. Have nice day. Now you know bye.
‘I will kill the English’ Illegal migrant escapes deportation after storming church A DRUNKEN illegal immigrant has escaped jail even after he threatened to kill churchgoers. Despite living in the UK for nine years, Iraqi Zana Hassan boasted how much he hated the English before storming into a Methodist church during Sunday service. After police arrested him he shouted: “I will ******* kill you and kill all the English ********.” This prompted magistrates this week to ask the Crown Prosecution Service to review the case to decide whether he should face more serious charges. However, CPS lawyers deemed the offence “low-level disorder” and declined the request. That enabled Hassan, 29, who sneaked into the UK in 2008, to escape with just a conditional discharge ordering him to stay 100 yards away from the church. He walked free after Home Office officials failed to take the opportunity to seek a deportation order. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/831627/Illegal-migrant-church-kill-English-deportation-Zana-Hassan
Hm. I don't think so. Your post 59: That approach might work in the playground, Jim, but I'm not convinced. I've seen far too many people come up with a strange viewpoint, argue about it for a while, and then say 'oh i was only joking' when they got tired of it. I believe 'trolling' is the word for that type of behaviour. Or perhaps it's just that these people can't bear to be wrong and can't bring themselves to admit any other viewpoint. I have no idea what a 'remainder' is in your poorly punctuated post, which has a tone and a manner heavily reminiscent of my not-very-greatly missed friend @graham59. You guys aren't neighbours by any chance? So, it seems to me that either you made a pointless tongue in cheek remark and then argued pointlessly about it.... or, you made a simply stupid remark and argued hopelessly about it, bailing out when you couldnt take the heat. The whole affair doesn't really reflect very well on you does it? Rather disappointing, even childish really and I don't personally enjoy having my time wasted.
Regardless of opinions, statements and what not....... The poor bloke still remains shot.............. And I can't find anything online to see if he is getting better..........
https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/ne...gun-attack-forced-couple-to-postpone-big-day/ Appears to be doing ok
I am well aware of the causes of those terrorist incidents in the 70s and 80s. My point is that these stats dont back up your theories of the UK being dangerous.
Every country has its dangers, I realize that, and so should everyone. So, if one adopts a line of caution and awareness of surroundings if abroad, then he/she should feel more secure. But there is always "murphy's law" to take into consideration..............
apart from the dreadful terrorist crimes---i think most violent crime in the UK is directly related to the demand and distribution of drugs. simple solution---make hard drugs readily and freely available on prescription to registered addicts. decriminalise that aspect of it. then crack down hard on the dealers and pushers. ok--i know sales of new posh cars will decline.