its been quiet on here lately Cmon guys--post something--even an argument. Boring watching telly all the time innit.
I'll tell you the story about one of my wife's friends, B, who has been in a long distance relationship with a French guy. He has his own veterinary practice in the Nantes area. He supports B to the tune of 100k pesos per month, and has been doing so for about 8 years. He has also bought her a reasonable property in Angeles City. They didn't see each other for 3 years during Covid. They met again for the 1st time in yonks late last year and finally got married in the Philippines. He has taken a sizeable ownership interest in a hotel near Banaue which B oversees. None of us, not even Frenchy's new wife, know his longterm intentions as to whether he will settle in the Philippines or bring her over to France. B is quite content with the status quo of seeing Frenchy 1 or 2 times per year as she has been living with her charming tomboy who is probably the butchest girl you would fine in the whole of Luzon for more than 8 years. Frenchy believes the tomboy is a cousin. B would be genuinely heartbroken to give up her tomboy and would get off the gravy train if it was going to break them up. Particularly for internet romance guys, but even those who pop back and forth to the Philippines, no matter how sweet, angelic and devoted your partner appears to be, what happens when FB Messenger is switched off is something you can never, ever be certain about.
Very true I might christen this PorkAdobo's Uncertainty Principle, It is impossible to know both the intent, location and state of heart of a partner with absolute certainty if the degree of separation is the internet. ( I could likley have come up with a better Heisenberg analogy if I spent some time on it but this one is good enough )
I'm not very interested in the forum when I'm abroad, I do check in but I can't be arsed posting a lot of the time.
I think the forum will get slower and slower Malc, not many will be able to afford the new visa fees, so therefore less and less queries to answer from potential visa applications.
I've not seen many new members joining of late - as Heathen correctly states, the new visa application fees will put off many DIY visa applications. I'm guessing information is out there on many other platforms, not just on forum like these. On a more technical note, we've had to turn off new registrations due to the sheer number of spammers. These spammers are not human, they are software that leeches on to forum like these. If you look at the 'Members online' tally on the right-hand side, you'll see x guests, x robots. The robots are the good guys - they are search engines indexing the site. It's the 'guests' that are the problem. When we were accepting new registrations, there would be 200 of them at it, generating bounced emails for false email addresses and Dom, Jim and myself having to vet each new sign up as it will most likely be a spammer - sometimes 50 a day.
Also, flight costs are still very high stopping Filipinos and their families from visiting the Philippines. It was OK for me as a single man but going there with a wife and two children is too expensive. The exchange rate is also still high for Brits. Flight costs as well as the new visa costs have stopped many single men from going there, not to mention the high cost of living in Europe and around the world. I think it will remain like this for a while.
a few years back i was on a very active forum--but with comparatively few members. Gradually it slowed down--some drifted away--and the main mod lost interest. It quickly became swamped with russian hard core porn--with no mod to stop it. It took me hours to watch it all--in case i missed something.
I've seen a lot of Europeans and Russians in shops over the last weekend, groups of Europeans 6 or more, more than once. Where we live in Las Pinas I stand out as a fairly lone foreigner you don't see a lot down here but in Makati there are still quite a lot of foreigners and you see a broad mix arriving (and departing) when you go through the immigration desk. I think it is becoming a more popular destination for many I'm not sure why this is but there is still a lot going on in Manila. Took my daughter to the Ed Sheeran concert at SMDC festival grounds a few weeks back cost me well over £300 for the two of us but it was a great night and a good few foreigners at that too. That's a transfer on her arm not a real tattoo, I've asked her to please never get a real one.
Also the idea that you can come here and maybe find the love of your life and take her back home is over for many now...
I do post a few things... not sure if I'm in quiet mode or something because I never see my own stuff as "new"
I've made that point several times over the last 4 or 5 years particularly when asked what I think will happen to this forum. It's got bit of a future but the British are not rich compared to other cultures anymore, not only is the exchange rate a lot poorer than when I first came here in 2004 but inflation has raised prices to western levels as well, some things like electronics have always been on par with UK prices or slightly more expensive but everything else has almost caught up now too, the only thing I still see as a plus here is housing costs, rent and what you can get for a set amount of money. I'm heading back to the UK in a couple of days, I'll still be back out here soon but part of me misses the UK, two months here has been a long time particularly this last couple of weeks as summer starts to kick in. I do all the cooking for me and the kids here and most of the cleaning and clothes washing, sometimes like a Friday night we will order food in as I can't be arsed cooking but I bought a freezer this trip and have been cooking extra and freezing, made beef Mechado tonight for the first time and it was very nice about to freeze 4 portions, made myself a proper Kashmiri Chicken curry last week and that was the first time I replicated my curries that I make in the UK, managed to get all the spices on Lazada. And I've discovered that I can buy a decent Sauvingon Blanc white wine from several local wine mechants via Grab, currently sipping a nice Barefoot it's a Californian wine but it's ok, found a number of good New zealand wines as well, hithertoo impossible for me to get a good wine here so that's an improvment only thing is I could get a better wine for a lot less money in a UK supermarket You might find the 'love of your life' but it rarely turns out to be plain sailing for the next 20 years. I got lucky and got a couple of great kids! (this was Easter Sunday up in Makati just phone pictures)
The British are very rich, the problem is every year the very rich get more rich and the rest of population suffer... it's awful what's happened to the UK over the last 20 years. Are your kids planning to make their lives here in Phils ?
Yeah well we can talk about the bit in bold another time I have strong opinions. James won't have a lot of choice he's an adult already choosing a university just now for the coming year, he is only Filipino and will only have a filipino passport I hope I can get him a holiday to the UK sometime but living there is another matter. Janna has a British passport but I think she would find life in the UK dull and very boring particularly in Scotland, I want her to have the option of living and making a life in both countries but I suspect she would find it hard to break her ties to friends and family here in the Philippines. Right now I don't know where I want to be either, it's not easy living here in the summer months and it's not easy living with older relatives, I think I want my own place with just me and the kids where I am in charge and get to be free to look after them and myself. But yeah I'd like them to have the chance to travel to the UK and meet other family and see a bit of another country. They are both still very young even with James coming up to age 19 and making big decisions is hard for them.
According to a Filipina I'm a rich foreigner . That's what a friend of my wife heard. Oh I forgot, all foreigners are rich
Some good stuff in this link,million international visitor by 2024.