We are booking Virgin Atlanfic and I want to pick seats, I know we have to pay! When I look at the seating plan there are a number of rows marked with an X and saying seats not available, any ideas what the reason is that they are not available? I know it's not that they have been booked by another passenger as those seats are filled in with an airel view of a pawn chess piece symbol and state already booked.
Reserved seats, could be seats already reserved by a travel agency, basically they might have an option on a certain number of seats in a particular class, even economy is split up into separately priced booking classes on most airlines. Could also be seats out of service, like broken entertainment system or other physical issues. Lastly some premium economy bookings guarentee and empty middle seat in a block of three.
Thanks for the response In reverse order don't think it's the maintenance issue as flight isn't for a while yet! Take your point on travel agency allocation but would the travel agency block book the back 4 rows. The leg it is on is return Las Vegas to Manchester non stop and I don't want some spoilt brat kicking thr back of our seats for 11 hours. So I am tempted to book 3 seats immediately in front of the unavailable seats
Sometimes those seats at the back of airplanes are used for airline staff, just something I believe I have read elsewhere in the past.