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few more steps to freedom

Discussion in 'Important Causes' started by charlene taylor, Oct 21, 2018.

  1. charlene taylor

    charlene taylor Member

    Hi its me Charlene, kevs wife. Good to announced to everyone how grateful we are for a decade long journey with us for our freedom. I had been released last month and soon kev will follow.
    Hope to continue with your support for kevins deportation.
    May God be with you always
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  2. charlene taylor

    charlene taylor Member

  3. Kevin Taylor 1965

    Kevin Taylor 1965 Member

    You have done so much already Charlene, thanks and one day i will show the world how much i love you....

    People i am in so much gratitude to you all, for 9 years everyone had a faith that one day cha and i would be free.... Ones out and i will follow shortly.. My thanks to you all as i pray that these last fee steps you will still follow us.. Thank once more.

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