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Are you my elusive Asian princess

Discussion in 'Looking for Love' started by MarkC76, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. MarkC76

    MarkC76 New Member

    Looking for love. Manchester area ;)
  2. DJB

    DJB Active Member

    You ever thought of visiting the Philippines ???
  3. MarkC76

    MarkC76 New Member

    Yeah. But I don't like flying. Thanks for your input
  4. Aromulus

    Aromulus The Don Staff Member

    No pain... No gain...
  5. MarkC76

    MarkC76 New Member

    It's a long shot. But I'll take my chances.
    Cheers :like:
  6. DJB

    DJB Active Member

    You have obviously given this a lot of thought
  7. MarkC76

    MarkC76 New Member

    You obviously have nothing better to do than talk to me.
  8. DJB

    DJB Active Member

    Sorry mate no offence, im just trying ti manage your expectations.
  9. MarkC76

    MarkC76 New Member

    I don't need you to pal.
    I am well aware of the difficulties. I'll probably get nothing from this. But worth a try. And either way I won't be losing sleep over it neither should you.
    Thanks for your concern but if you have nothing positive to add. Find someone else to badger.
  10. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    You have just arrived here and have asked questions of the members. People are trying to help and you are dismissive?
  11. MarkC76

    MarkC76 New Member

    The comments are not helpful.it's condescending to the point of bullying. Besides I did not ask him any questions he just ambushed my post.
    However. The user bigmac did offer me some genuine advice. So if I do have any questions I will know who to direct them towards.
  12. Anon04576

    Anon04576 Well-Known Member

    The most probable route to finding a Filipina would be that you would have to travel the 15+ hours to the Philippines so the fact that you are worried about flying would be a real hindrance.

    I watched a program very recently were you can go on a course which tries to help overcome the fear of flying, the course culminates in a short flight with the psychologist also attending the flight
    Maybe that would help?

    Do you have a specific interest for a Filipina or any Asian lady would appeal?
  13. aposhark

    aposhark Well-Known Member Lifetime Member

    The chances of you finding a Filipina love interest here is extremely slim as most are in a relationship. Not impossible but very difficult.
    If you have the time and want to find friends here, you never know who is "looking in" and occasionally, a Filipina already in the UK posts here.
    Best of luck in your search.
  14. MarkC76

    MarkC76 New Member

    Thank you apo shark
    I appreciate the support
  15. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    A very sensible and positive response!
  16. graham59

    graham59 Banned

    He didn't find much love here. :eek:
  17. MarkC76

    MarkC76 New Member

    I'm going to cardif next week to meet a beautiful philipina girl. Hopefully it will work out well.
    Guess my "long shot" was worth taking .
    And my advice to anyone else who wants to try a "long shot". It's a free forum and we have freedom of speech, So go for it put it out there and hope someone sees it.
    And dont they the bullys on here convince you other wise
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Mattecube

    Mattecube face the sunshine so shadows fall behind you Trusted Member

    Hi MarkC76
    Hope it all goes well for you next week in Cardiff (spelt with 2 fs)
  19. MarkC76

    MarkC76 New Member

    That is correct. Sorry .... But plenty of other mistakes in the grammar you didn't clock onto.

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